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Welcome to my collection of thoughts, lessons learned, and experiments. I've gather them here not only for my own record keeping, but also in the hopes that someone finds them beneficial and learns something new. They're organized under 3 main categories.

Tech Blogs

Tech blogs are "rubber meets pavement" write ups on applied technology. They start with a problem, propose a solution, and walk through the steps. Some may also have an accompanying GitHub repo for easier setup.

Idea Blogs

These blogs are more or less engineering journal entries. Inspiration could come at any moment, so why not have a nice place to store it. Idea blogs may spawn off into future projects or tech blogs. The main goal is to capture fleeting thoughts that could turn into fruitful endeavors.

Insight Blogs

Insights are bits of corporate wisdom that I've picked up over the year. IT is moves at a fast pace, and with that comes buzzwords, hard and fast culture shifts, and a lot of bumps and bruises. These types of blogs are my way of sharing experiences I've learned from personally and potentially gain back some sanity by resonating with others.

Recent Posts

Introducing, DocHive!
Introducing, DocHive!
November 17, 2021

After reusing the code powering this blog across multiple projects, a definite pattern has come to light. At its core, the profile_builder module takes a list of key/value pairs as input, populates a docum...

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Hello, GitHub Discussions! Goodbye, Disqus...
Hello, GitHub Discussions! Goodbye, Disqus...
November 02, 2021

In short, I don't like the free version of Disqus. Ads serve a purpose in this world, and they often allow us to enjoy a lot of valuable content at the cost of a portion of our attention. However, I d...

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Agent Based Logging
Agent Based Logging
July 25, 2021

Whether you're working in site reliability, business intelligence, or security, one thing rings true. Logs are king. They are a window into your operations, providing insights into access, change, per...

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